Quran Memorization

quran memorization online class

Quran Memorization meaning is learning the Quran by heart. It is an advanced subject. How to memorize it is a challenge and also a complicated process. Therefore it takes a few years. When the Holy Quran was revealing, the writing was not familiar. There was no mean for storing information or knowledge. Sahaba (RA) memorized verses and then write. Thus the most effective method of storing the Quran was memorization.

Real Muslims have a dream to memorize the holy Quran. Therefore Subject Educator is offering an opportunity to memorize The Holy Quran online. One can Memorize the Quran at a convenient time and regularity. So Subject Educator has excellent experience of helping students to learn the Quran online by heart.

Greatness of Quran Memorization

A person who memorizes the Quran is known as Hafiz. So he will get many rewards and benefits. A few of them are as under:

Hazrat Aisha RA said that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said:

The one who recites the Quran and who learns it by heart will be with the Noble, Righteous scribes, And the one who exerts himself to learn the Quran by heart and recites it with great difficulty will have a reward two times.

al-Bukhaari, 4653; Muslim, 798

A person who memorizes the Quran By Heart will wear a crown and garment of honour in Jannah. As Abu Hurayrah said the Prophet Muhammad SAW said:

The Holy Quran will come on the Day of judgment and say, ‘Oh Lord, adorn him. Thus he will be given a crown of honor to wear. Then it will say, ‘O Allah, grant him more. So, he will be given the garment of Honor.’ Then it will say, ‘O Allah, be pleased with him.’ So Allah will be pleased with him. Then it will be reported to him, ‘Recite and advance in status, and for each verse, you will gain one more rank (reward for good deed).

al-Tirmidhi, 2915


In some other Hadees, also emphasize advantages which implied are as below.

Hadith Implied about The Quran memorization

  • The Quran will help him to intercede in front of Allah.
  • He must also give priority to lead the prayer.
  • Quran memorization is a highly beneficial act to seek the mercery of Allah.
  • Memorizing the Quran increases memory and brings punctuality
  • Higher rank in Jannah.
  • It’s a definite way to gain bounties of Allah.
  • Islam also prefers his leadership.
  • It brings confidence as well as peace of mind.
  • His grave should be more closer to the qibla then others.
  • Quran memorization decreases anxiety, stress, and also fear.
  • He will be the companion of angels.

Expert Teacher Online

The subject Educator has good experience of teaching over Skype. Our Quran teachers will help you during the whole process. They will also give you tips to memorize the Holy Quran. All teachers are well-experienced and highly qualified. They have many ways to engage students so that they can understand them easily because class timing is flexible for the student. So they can memorize with a fresh mind. The subject educator is the best place to learn the Holy Book. Insha Allah, you will also admire the ability of teachers after a few trial sessions. So simply connect with us via Skype to test our service online from the comfort of your home. Responsible staff looking forward to helping students.

Students can Choose to Memorize

Students can decide what and how to memorize. So for that, they select a different option from the following.

  • 30th Juz(Para) Only
  • Short Surahs Only
  • Some Selected Surahs
  • Whole Quran

Learn How To Memorize the Quran

Subject Educator has an excellent process of memorizing the Quran. Therefore people of all ages or genders can get benefit from this course. It may be an assumption that learning Arabic is a difficult job. Conversely, in our interactive sessions, students come to know that it is impressive and fun to memorize. Our method is secure, as well as simple. So this class helps to develop habits of learning. So it is an innovative way to learn online. How To Memorize verses and surahs of the Quran? It’s a process of learning. Also involves some practical steps which are as under:

  Steps to Memorize Quran

Using Same Copy

Use the same copy of the Quran so that you become familiar. Because it helps in easy knowing the sites of various verses. So you find out quickly while memorizing or revising.

Proper Tutor

There must be an experienced and knowledgeable tutor. As a result, students begin to memorize with a proper accent.

Memorize Indiviualy

Online Quran class is one-to-one. Thus in an individual session, teachers give more concentration.

Practice Time

Use the same copy of the Quran so that you become familiar. Because it helps in easy knowing the sites of various verses. So you find out quickly while memorizing or revising.

How to Memorize With Tajweed

Before memorizing, you must know the rules of Tajweed, so that apply them while remembering.

Intention and Supplication

You should be sincere to Allah. Therefore make an intention to seek the pleasure of Allah. So you must realize the great reward of the Quran memorizing. Also, supplicate Allah to help you in learning.

How to Start Memorizing

Starting from Last Juz (para) and move to the back, So that smaller and easier surah come earlier, which are most familiar.

Listening Recording

By listening to the lesson again and again also assist memorizing. So for this, the Student can use a recording of the Surah or Verses.


Memorizing need a quiet location. So that one can fully concentrate. Thus in isolation, here must not be any distraction.

Convenient Time

Choose a suitable time for the class in which the mind is fresh. And also try to memorize at the same time daily.


 It’s better if you know the meaning of what you are memorizing. It will also help you to act upon it.

How to Memorize and Revise

Regular revision is also necessary. It must be a habit. Otherwise, you will forget it very soon.

How Family Support to Memorize

Family members support has the most significance. It helps students to encourage them to memorize more. Regular motivation is also essential.

Avoid Arrogance

There must not be any arrogance or show-off. However, memorising ability is a blessing of Allah. Therefore one should be thankful to Almighty Allah as He makes it possible.


A consistent loud voice is right. So try to avoid silent reading. A loud voice will also help you to overcome laziness.

Set Verses As You can

 Set a few verses that you can read or memorize quickly. Then gradually increase them as your ability to learn increases.


During all processes, you must care about the respect of The Quran. Therefore good manners are obligatory on those who learn The Quran by heart.

Memorizing Classes Enable Student


  • Students Memorize the Quran with proper pronunciation of Arabic.
  • Proper accent of reading.
  • Memorize some or also all Surah.
  • As a result, Student’s ability to memorise gradually increases.
  • Students learn to overcome Forgetfulness.
  • Revision is also possible.
  • Performance analysis by monthly test.
  • Students get groomed as well as motivated.
  • Assist you in memorizing the Holy Quran in Short Time.
  • helpful if you can’t remember the Quran for the long term.
  • Revision/Dour can also occur with help.

Subject educators enable students to memorize verses and Surahs quickly. Get learning the Quran from talented and professional Quran tutors.