
zakat, charity

How to pay Zakat?

Zakat means to purify. It’s an essential pillar of Islam, next to fasting. Paying of Zakat is a religious duty or obligation of all Muslims who have a certain amount of wealth to help the poor and needy. Therefore it is a third important pillar of Islam. Zakat purifies our wealth as Salah purifies our souls and also purifies our body. Islam teaches us to live well and make others’ lives better. In the zakat, process wealth circulates to everybody of the nation so everyone can fulfil his needs. Therefore Islam teaches us how, when, and to whom to pay zakat money.

Importance of zakat Paying

Zakat is an important part of the Muslim faith. Following is the importance of zakat:

  • Zakat helps to build a better society by improving everybody’s lifestyle.
  • It help-seeking pleasure of Almighty Allah.
  • Zakat purifies our wealth, possessions, and trade.
  • It is the best way to circulate wealth in society.
  • Moreover, this practice promotes scarification sense.
  • Zakat becomes the source of wiping out sins.

Who will pay zakat?

Islam is a perfect religion. It provides proper guidelines for zakat paying. People who have a certain amount of wealth are eligible to pay zakat. Such an amount is called “Nisab.” Nisab is the minimum wealth amount to oblige Muslims to pay zakat. So people who deserve zakat are as below:

  • Only Muslims
  • Having wealth equal to Nisab
  • Freeman/women, who are not in others’ control.
  • Wealth must be from legal sources.
  • Besides Mature person
  • Finally, one year passes over it.

Nisab for Zakat Paying

Goal and silver possessed by a person determine the threshold amount to pay zakat. It is the value of 87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of silver or its equivalent cash also.

Who are eligible to receive zakat?


How to pay zakat. Zakat is purifying and blessing of wealth

According to the Quran, there are eight types of people who can receive zakat. these are:

  1. Fugara: Who is weak and cannot afford to live and fulfil their needs hence are eligible.
  2. Al-Masakin: Who are extremely poor and needy, and most don’t ask something for them because of shame.
  3. Those employed to collect Zakat: These are people whose duty is to collect and distribute Zakat.
  4. For that in-debt: Can be given to pay off a debt of person not able to pay by himself.
  5. New converts to Islam: If new coverts are poor and needy, then pay Zakat to them so that they can carry on their new journey efficiently.
  6. For Allah’s cause, Zakat: Can also be given to those who are fighting for Allah’s sake and have needed to be fulfilled.
  7. For the Wayfarer: Travelers are needy as they are away from home. Zakat can be paid to them so that they can use it in travel expenditures.
  8. Freeing captives: Can use this amount to free prisoners.mj

Who are not eligible for Zakat

  • The rich person((except the workers of Zakat).
  • The poor person who is strong and capable to work.
  • The disbelievers fighting Islam.
  • The family of the Prophet(PBUH)
  • Inherited descendants i.e. 
  • Parents and grandparents 
  • Wives of the payer