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Online Quran Teaching

Online Quran teaching is the primary service of Subject Educator(SE). SE is one of the pioneers of Islamic education online. Additionally, our facility specializes in Quran Education. Among a variety of services. SE service is a unique one. The subject Educator is mainly for those who want to get an Islamic education. And willing to learn also the Holy Quran online. We make active use of technology since 2010. SE is successfully serving around the world.

We want our students the role model of Islam. Moreover, our service is looking forward to delivering the theory of Islam. And by educating and also by practicing Islam, According to Sunnah. We also want love and peace in the world.

Moreover, SE encourages students to be proud Muslims. That ‘s with their excellent loving behavior as Islam preaches. Thus we set a standard curriculum for primary Islamic education and Quran for kids and adults. We specialized in customizing students. Then direct them to a teacher according to the requirement of the student. We prefer our best sources, Especially in the religious grooming of Muslims.

Journey with subject educator

Services we provide:

We are available to every individual anywhere in the world. The subject educator is the most convenient service. Very easy and accessible also. Therefore anyone who wants to learn, just needs high-speed internet (DSL, Broadband). SE offers an online Koran teaching service and teaches different subjects online. So students can select topics themself. Moreover, we also provide service to new Muslims and engage them with Islamic teachings through reading the Quran and, the life of the Prophet(SAW) and participating islamic rituals.

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Online Quran Teaching Staff

Our teaching staff is highly qualified and experienced. Also, our teachers ‘ calibre is high. Staff are the most responsible as well as professional. They are teaching successfully from day first. Our Team believes in hard work. Teachers give students a definite direction. So that students remain unbeaten in all fields. Moreover, they teach students in a friendly environment. Our organization staff consists of:

Male and Female Teachers

female online quran teacher
male online quran teacher

Recruitment Process:

Subject Educator is the name of a system that focuses on training. All the classes are monitor. All the staff recruitment is on merit. Therefore we select a perfect team for delivering this noble cause. Moreover, we often arrange different training programs. So that method of teaching can be improved. We also update our courses to maintain the need of time. Additionally, we are looking forward to getting your feedback.