zakat al-fitr, how to pay fitrana

Zakat-al-Fitr | Fitrana

“Zakat ul Fitr” translates to charity given to break a fast. At the end of Ramadan, before Eid prayer, every adult Muslim who possesses food in excess of their needs must pay zakat al-Fitr (fitrana). The head of household can also pay Zakat al-Fitr for their dependants including children, adults, servants etc. Fitrana is an obligatory donation given before Eid prayers. Ibn Umar narrated that:

Prophet (ﷺ) ordered the people to pay Zakat-ul-Fitr(fitrana) before going to the Eid prayer.

Sahih al-Bukhari 1509


The word Fitr comes from the root word “futoor” meaning breakfast. It has the same meaning as Iftar, breaking a fast. This is the wajib (required) worship of every Muslim, whether female or male, minor or adult. According to Sunnah, Ibn Zakat al-Fitr is compulsory on every freeman, slave, male, female, young and old among the Muslims.


The main purpose of fitrana is to provide the poor with a means by which they can take part in eid celebrations, (`Eid ul Fitr) along with the rest of the Muslims. Moreover, It is an act of thankfulness to Allah for blessing us with the month of Ramadan and to observe the obligatory fast. Moreover, Its purpose is a charge on the fasting person. Ibn Abbas narrated that:

The Prophet (ﷺ) obligated Zakat Al Fitr on those who fast to shield them from any indecent act or speech, and for the purpose of providing food for the needy. It is accepted as Zakat ul fitr for the one who pays it before the Eid prayer, and it is sadaqah for the one who pays it after the prayer.

Abu Dawood


Zakat ul Fitr is only Wajib for a particular period of time. If one misses it without a valid reason, he has committed a sin and cannot make it up. Zakat ul fitr is obligatory from sunset on the last day of Ramadan and remains obligatory before Eid prayer (i.e. shortly after sunrise on the following day). However, fitrana can be paid before above mentioned period, as many of the companions of the Prophet(ﷺ) used to pay Zakat ul Fitr some days before the Eid ul fitr.

Zakat ul fitr is obligatory to pay before eid prayer. As Ibn Abbas narrated:

The Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) enjoined Zakatul-Fitr as a purification for the fasting person from idle talk and obscenities, and to feed the poor. Whoever pays it before the (Eid) prayer, is an accepted Zakah, and whoever pays it after the prayer, it is (ordinary) charity.

sanun Ibn Majah 1827

Rate of Zakat al-fitr

The amount of Fitrna is the same for everyone regardless of their income. The minimum amount is one sa` (four double handfuls ) of food, dry fruit or grain for each member of the family (One sa’ is approximately equal to 2.25kg flour and can pay it in the form or rate of dates, barley, raisins, and cheese)). Ibn ‘Umar narrated that:

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) ordered the payment of sadaqat-ul-Fitr (on breaking the fast) of Ramadan for people, for every freeman, or slave, male and female among the Muslims-one sa’ of dried dates, or one sa’ of barley.

Sahih Muslim 984 a

The minimum amount of Zakat al fitr that should be given in charity is:

  • Rs140 with respect to wheat.
  • with barley it is Rs320.
  • with respect to the price of dates is Rs960.
  • and for raisins, it is Rs1,920.

Minimum rate in other currencies is $7, £4/£5 , Sar 15.

Who can receive Zakat al-Fitr

The recipients of Fitrana are the same as that of Zakat. And Those who may receive sadaqat ul-Fitr a mentioned in Quran are:

  1. Fuqra (The Poor).
  2. Al-Masakin (The Needy).
  3. whose duty is to collect and distribute Zakat.
  4. Reconciliation of Hearts,
  5. Freeing Captives / Slaves.
  6. To pay off a debt of a person.
  7. Sadaqa in the Way of God’s Holy service.
  8. The Traveler. (Surat Al-Tawbah, [9: 60])

Who cannot receive Sadaqat ul Fitr

  • Parents, Grandparents, children, Grandchildren.
  • Dead Person.
  • Non-Muslims.
  • The rich person.
  • Fake institutions don’t pay it to the right person.
  • Wakf. To purchase some property for public use.

Benefits of Zakat al-fitr

  • Zakat plays a key role in the circulation of wealth within the Islamic society so as Zakat al-Fitr.
  • It strengthens the bonds of community and development.
  • It develops a culture of love and brotherhood amongst Muslims. Especially between rich and poor.
  • It is training to continue Sadaqat after Ramazan also.
  • Everyone can participate in the festival of eid and its joys. It brings positively to society.

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