Namaz/ Prayer


Namaz/Salah means prayer, and it is also an invocation. Namaz is an essential part of Islam. So, It is one of the most important Pillars of Islam. Therefore Namaz is obligatory worship for every Muslim. It is performed at fixed times also. Five times of prayer are mandatory for Muslims. Namaz is the most important. It’s also the Best among all worships. All our good deeds are only acceptable when namaz is acceptable. It is mental, physical as well as spiritual worship. It is the first act of communication between man and his pure Lord Allah, the Almighty. Thus Namaz/Salaat is a source of protection from sins. Also safe side of all evil deeds.

What is Prayer

Allah جَلَّ جَلَالَهٌ and Prophet SAW sayings

In Quran Allah جَلَّ جَلَالَهٌ says.

Verily, the prayer keeps one from the great sins and evil deeds.

(Quran 29:45)

The Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) said

The key to Paradise is Namaz; the key to Namaz is ablution(wudu).

narrated by Jabir Ibn Abdullah (Musnand Ahmed)

The Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) said on another place.

Between faith and unbelief is abandoning the prayer .

(Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Musnad)

Namaz (Salat) being obligatory worship is the cause of blessings from Allah جَلَّ جَلَالَهٌ. Secondly, it purifies the heart of Muslims from all evil whispers. But the deficiency in this will cause severe punishment on the day of judgment.

Quran narrates:

But after them there came successors who missed prayers and followed after desires: soon, Then will they face Damage except those who regrets and believe and do good deeds.


Prophet (Peace be upon him)said to his companions:

Pray as follows ‘O Allah! Do not make anybody among the disobedient and deprived people.'” Then, he asked, “Do you know who is disobedient and deprived?” The Companions said, “Who? O Messenger of Allah!” The Prophet said, “He who does not offer prayers.

Ibn Hajar “az-Zawajir” / Abu’l-Lays Samarqandi “Qurratu’l Uyun

What are Condition before starting Namaz/Salaat


  • Firstly Niyyah (Intention of Prayer).
  • We are turning towards ka’bah.
  • We are covering all body parts necessary to cover (Satar).
  • Purification (Ritual, substantial, light, and Material impurities)*.
  • Moreover, there prescribed time for Namaz.
  • Ensure cleanliness of the place of prayer as well as the body of the person.

*Get purification of mind with good intentions. And cleanup of Body thorough ablution. Or Gusl.

Structure of Prayer

Each namaz consists of Rakats/Rah’kahs. Rakats are the building blocks of namaz. Recitations and postures of one Rakat repeat in the next rakats. The number of rakats in each namaz is as below:


namaz rakahs


Click here to learn the complete method of namaz.

Benefits of Prayer

  • Namaz is one of the most beneficial for health.
  • Namaz brings peace as well as happiness.
  • Offering Namaz is a perfect exercise. Thus effective for weight loss.
  • Regular Namaz does good exercise. Though it burns extra fats, therefore control obesity.
  • Namaz stretches muscles so that they provide proper body tone.
  • It overcomes arthritis. Make the body flexible also reduce stiffness.
  • Useful for balance body Anabolic as well as Catabolic biochemical process.
  • Namaz is suitable for a healthy heart.
  • Strengthen the nervous system as well as bones.
  • Standing posture (Qiya’m) so that ensures proper blood flow to legs. Leg muscles nourish also.

Other Benefits

  • It is Direct contact with Allah جَلَّ جَلَالَهٌ.
  • It causes Acceptance of Dua also.
  • Surely empower Faith.
  • Success in the world.
  • It is undoubtedly Success in the day of judgment.
  • Lives become easy, as well as meaningful.
  • Bring discipline in life.
  • Moreover, Increase socialism.
  • Get pleasure from Allah جَلَّ جَلَالَهٌ.
  • Key to Jannah.
  • It provide The satisfaction of the soul and heart also.
  • Protection from sin.

May ALLAH جَلَّ جَلَالَهٌ enable us to offer regular Salaat five times a day. Ameen.