The Month of Safar

The month of Safar and its Misconceptions


The month of Safar is the second month of Lunar (Hijri) calendar. It succeeds month of Muharram. Safar means ‘empty’ or an empty house. Some scholars believe that it is named because of emptying (Isfaar) of Mecca. People used to travel extensively in this month. The Arabs used to hold three months of Zul Qadah, Zul Hajj and Muharram as sacred. They did not indulge in crime or war during these months. They wait for these months to be over so that they can be free from these restrictions. Therefore as soon as Safar began, they would leave their houses vacant to carry on what they do before. Thus the idiom ‘Safar al Makaan’ which means “empty houses” became famous.

Moreover, The Meccans believed that the month of Safar is “a serpent (snake) that dwells in the stomach of Man.” These people consider Safar as a month of bad luck due to their ill beliefs.

Misconceptions about The month of Safar

There are many misconceptions related to the month of Safar. Muslims are also victims of These misconceptions and superstitions. They associate omens and bad luck with the month and also self-made solutions for such beliefs are proposed as well. Some of the erroneous beliefs are as follows:

  • A marriage performed in the month of Safar would not be successful.
  • This month is full of disasters and misfortunes.
  • To start any new business, journey or other tasks during this month will be of great loss.
  • The first 13 days of Safar are ill-fortune and evil.
  • A person who distributes food or money on the 13th of Safar will be saved from its misfortunes.

Teachings of Islam about The month of Safar

And whatever befalls you of disaster, it is for what your hands have earned; but He forgives much.

Al Quran 42:30

Jabir b. ‘Abdullah reported Allah’s Prophet (ﷺ) as saying:

There is no transitive disease, no safar, no ghoul.

Sahih Muslim 2222 c

The narrators explain the word safar means belly. The safar implied the worms of the belly, and Ghoul is that which kills the travellers. 

Abu Huraira narrated that Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said:

(There is) no Adwa (no contagious disease is conveyed without Allah’s will). nor is there any bad omen, nor is there any Hamah, nor is there any bad omen in the month of Safar, and one should run away from the leper as one runs away from a lion.

Sahih al-Bukhari 570

Hazrat Jaabir (RA) said that he heard the Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ)saying:

The descending of illness and evil superstition befalling in the month of Safar is untrue.


Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:

Taking omens is shirk; taking omens is shirk. He said it three times. Every one of us has some (superstition), but Allah removes it by the trust (in Him).

(Sunan Abi Dawood)

What should we do?

Islam is a perfect religion. It rejects all ill beliefs and misconceptions which are outcomes of lack of knowledge. There is nothing ominous in the month of Safar. Evil deeds and incorrect beliefs are ominous and should be given up and repented for. It’s incorrect to delay or postpone marriage, a journey or business etc. because of such beliefs. We must reject the fake beliefs of the days of ignorance. There are no specific deeds recommended for days of Safar, but we should perform the regular prayer, recite Quran, do charity and welfare work. We should strictly follow the sunnah of our beloved Prophet(ﷺ) and make duas and do zikr.

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