Life after death,hereafter, day of judgement

Life after Death / Hereafter

Well, they say that Life is a journey, but being a Muslim, we believe that Life is just the beginning of a journey that has no end. It is a trial/test that will have its far-reaching consequences resulting in where we end up on the Day of judgment. The Day where we will be the judge before the Almighty based on our deeds. A day where nothing will benefit us but only the good deeds that we have done in the perishable world. Nothing could harm us except the evil deeds that we have done in this World. Therefore being a Muslim, we believe that Life is just the beginning of a journey that has no end. Life after death may be a new phase but a startup of the real world.

About Life After Death magnificent Quran says:

“فَمَنْ يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ خَيْرًا يَرَهُ

So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it,

وَمَنْ يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ شَرًّا يَرَهُ

And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.”

Surah Zilzal verse 7,8

What is Aalam-e-Arwah/ Aalam-e-Asbab/Barzakh

There is a saying the “life is a beautiful illusion, and the only thing that will wake us up is death. The Holy Quran depicts our Life in this World as a deception, idle, and worthless cheap in comparison to the hereafter. which Muslims should strive, fight, and sacrifice for their worldly Life.


When ALLAH created the earth and the heavens, he created all the souls, and prior to we being born, we (as souls) were kept in Alam-e-Arwah. It’s a period spent by humankind in another world ere coming down to this world.


And after coming into this World, it is also known as Alam-e-Asbab. Life on earth is a time to do deeds by resources that are granted to a person by his Lord. Resources are those Asbab which assist in acting good deeds or evil. Every person would be accountable for these Asbabs.

Alam e Barzakh

We have a body and a soul (Nafs), but when we die, and our soul departs our body, out body remains in the soil buried in the grave, but our soul is taken out to Alam e Barzakh. Barzakh is an Arabic word that means a barrier or hurdle. It is a place between Heaven and Hell where the soul lives to experience its own heaven or Hell based on the deeds that he/she has done in this World until his/her resurrection at the Day of Judgment/Qayamah.

The Day of Judgement or Qayamah

The Day of Judgement or Qayamah is the Day when the inevitable will happen. By the will/command of ALLAH, the ALMIGHTY angel Asrafil will blow the trumpet (Soor) twice. First, the Qayamah/judgment day will occur, and upon second blowing, all the souls will be resurrected from their graves for their accountability and consequent outcome. The magnificent Quran says;

“The (Soor) trumpet shall be blown, so all those that are in the heavens and all those that are in the earth shall swoon, except him whom Allah will; then it shall be blown again, then they shall stand up awaiting”

Alzumar 39:68

In another verse in the Holy Quran the ALLAH Almighty describes Qayamah as;

O mankind! Fear your Lord! For the convulsion of the Hour (of Judgment) will be a thing terrible! The Day ye shall see it, every mother giving suck shall forget her suckling-babe, and every pregnant female shall drop her load (unformed): thou shalt see humanity as in a drunken riot, yet not drunk: but dreadful will be the Wrath of Allah.”

Suruah AlHaj 22:2

After the resurrection, all of the Human beings that were born from Hazrat Adam till the end of time will be gathered in a flat. Even ground where they will be standing unclothed, barefooted, uncircumcised, and unflawed. At the same time, they will wait in the gathering place, the sun will approach them, and they will sweat due to its extreme heat, Except seven types of people who will be standing in the shade of ALLAH. These are

  1. A Just Ruler.
  2. Young Worshiper.
  3. One who is attached to Mosques.
  4. Two men who love each other for Allah’s sake.
  5. A Chaste Man.
  6. A person who gives hidden charity in the way of  Allah.
  7. One who sheds tears in private in front of ALLAH.

Book of Deeds

Subsequently, every one of human beings will be given a book of their deeds containing every good and immoral act that they have done in this world and their hands. The people will be given books in both hands, depending on their deeds. The person of paradise will be given a book in his right hand, indicating easy final reckoning. While the person of hell will be given a book in his left hand. It means that he will face a hard reckoning. After receiving the books, the calculation will start, and everyone will be treated as per his deeds in this world. There will be no injustice on that day. As per the narration of Hadith our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be Upon him) said that every person would be asked about the five things regarding his life in the world, which are;

  1. Where have you spent your life?
  2. Where have you spent your youth?
  3. From where have you earned your wealth/ possessions?
  4. Where have you spent your wealth/possessions?
  5. Whether he applied/acted upon the knowledge that he got in this world or not?

Meezan and Bridge Sirat

The deeds of every man/woman will be measured on a scale called “Meezan.” Where on one side, their good deeds will be positioned while, on the other hand, their ill deeds will be placed. Those whose virtuous deeds are more massive than their evil deeds will be given salvation. Whose good deeds are lighter, they will go to Hell. There they will suffer punishment. The believers who will go to Hell will be eventually taken out of it and sent to heaven after they undergo the penalty accounting for their faults in this world.

It is stated in Hadith that on the day of judgment, every human being, whether believer or non-believer, will have to cross a bridge known as “Sirat.” Meaning of Sirat is sharp as a sword laid across Hell. It is narrated that in accord with their deeds, some of the believers will cross it like lightning. While some will pass it like wind, and some by creeping on it, that all of the unbelievers. Some of the believers whose sins are not forgiven will be thrown into Hell. Those who will be able to cross the bridge of Sirat will eventually enter Paradise.

Hell and Heaven

Hell/Jahanum is a place of torment, pain, and suffering where non-believers will stay continuously. Where sinful believers will be given punishment and will stay temporarily as per their sins, it is the worst life after death, Whereas; Paradise/Heaven is a place in the hereafter which is decorated with numerous blessings and which believers will live eternally/ever after.

……………………………………………….The End……………………………………………………………..

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