Supplications for Illness

All diseases are from Allah, and the cure of them is also from Him. Invocation for diseases will help to recover from illness. It is a way to connect to Allah. It is equally important, along with medications. Allah in Quran says:

And when I am ill, it is He(Allah) who cures me.

Quran 26:80

We must seek Allah’s help together with medicines.

supplication for illness
supplication for illness 1




Allaahummah Az hibi-l- ba’sa rabban-naasi ishfihi wa antash-shaafi laa shifaa aa illaa shifaaooka shifaaoon la yughaadiru saqamaa.


“O, Allah! Remove the illness, O Lord of humanity! Cure this disease, and You are the One Who cures. There is no healing except Yours, with a healing which does not leave any disease behind.

Dua for visiting sick

invocation for illness
supplication for illness 2

Note:recite it seven times.


I ask Allah, Lord of the Magnificent Throne, to make you well.


Asaal-u-llaaha-l- Adheemah Rab ba-l-harshe-l-Adheeme un yash fiyaka.

Pray of Gabriel for illness

DUA for illness
supplication for illness 3


With the Name of Allah. I recite over you, from all that troubles you, and from every harmful mischief and the evil of the eyes of an envier. Allah will cure you, and with the Name of Allah, I recite over you.


Bismillahae arqika, men kul-li shaye -in yu-dhika, wa men shar-ri kulli nafsen awh aynin hasedin, Allah-u- yash fika, bismillahi arqika.


Abu Said Al-Khudri (RA) reported:
Gabriel came to the Prophet (SAW) and said: “O Muhammad(SAW)! Do you feel sick?” He said, “Yes.” Gabriel recite this. (he performed Ruqyah and recited this dua).

Invocation for Diseases and forgiveness

Supplication of hazrat younas as
supplication for illness 4


There is no god except You. Glory be to You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.


Laa ilaaha illaa anta subhaanaka innee kuntu minadhdhaalimeen.


Surah Al- Anbiya, verse 87.

This is the prayer of Prophet Younus (AS).

Also, It can be recited for:

  • Forgiveness of sins.
  • Removal of problems.
  • It give us relief in distress.
  • Good for health also.
  • And the cure of the diseases.
  • It is for the fulfillment of needs.
  • It protect us from loss.
  • Moreover, necessary for approval of all prayers.

Benefits of invocation for diseases

  • Allah will cure our diseases.
  • Also, we will get the reward.
  • Connection to Allah will further empower.
  • Moreover, the invocation will protect us from sins.
  • Allah will reward us as well as forgive.
  • Allah accepts all prayers of the ill persons.