faq subjecteducator


How frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help students?

Ans: It ensures complete guidance. Student may have some confusion so FAQs help them to overcome.

Q. Why I need a Subject Educator?

Ans: It’s necessary to learn the Quran and Islam. It is the most convenient platform. Students can learn the Quran and Islam online in the comfort of their homes.

What is the requirement to start?

Following requirements:

1–PC/Laptop or smartphone

2– Internet DSL/broadband

3– Headphones(prefer)

How can I get a trial session?

Fill out a form and suggest us a convenient time.

When can I have regular sessions?

After the trial, if you are satisfied.

What time can I get to the class?

Any of your convenient time.

What will be the class duration?

Normally 25-30 minutes can be negotiated to increase the time.

Is there both male and female staff?


Do you know if any material like a book, or a copy is required?

no, nothing is required like this.

If the class missed any time?

Other teachers will be managed,or there will be a makeup class.

How can I choose the courses?

Our team will test you and suggest to you.

How do I know my kid’s performance?

Our management will regularly discuss the monthly progress of your kids and get more suggestions from you as well.

Is there any age limit for the class?

No age limit, anyone can get a class.

How can I get more Questions?

You can call, text, email and ask frankly.