Children and Hajj: Prepare Young Pilgrims for the Spiritual Journey

Hajj is not obligatory for children. It is mandatory for adult men and women and that too if they have enough resources and are physically fit for this holy journey. Taking along kids for Hajj is not prohibited in Islam. Families often like to perform Hajj together. If they have young or even infant children, they would also prefer to take them along for this journey of a lifetime.
Although there is no age limit fixed in Islam for the performance of Hajj, the Government of Saudi Arabia has allowed children up to 12 years of age to perform Hajj due to safety reasons. Simultaneously, it is also announced that children of less than 18 years of age must be accompanied by parents or guardians or Mahram. However, as per Islamic teachings, there is no age limit for children to perform Hajj. Even an infant can accompany his parents while they travel for the pilgrimage of Hajj.

Hajj of Children

There is no restriction on children’s performing the Hajj. Many such references are available in Hadith, such as Hadith 2910 of Sunan Ibn Majah:

Translation – It was narrated that Jabir bin ‘Abdullah said: “A woman held up a child of hers to the Prophet (ﷺ) during Hajj and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, is there Hajj for this one?’ He said: ‘Yes, and you will be rewarded.'”

Hadith 2910 of Sunan Ibn Majah

This Hadith clarifies two important things: first, Children’s Hajj is allowed in Islam with their parents, and second, the parents (the mother) will receive the reward for their child’s Hajj. Another Hadith quoted at number 925 in Jami At Tirmidhi also narrates about the hajj of children:

Translation – As-Sa’ib bin Yazid narrated: “My father took me for Hajj with the Messenger of Allah during the Farewell Hajj, and I was seven years old.”

Jami At Tirmidhi 925

So, the Islamic teachings are very clear about the Hajj of children. A child of any age group is allowed in the Islamic teachings to accompany his / her parents for Hajj. The age restrictions imposed by authorities of different countries, including the Hajj Ministry of Saudi Arabia, are just an administrative measure to ensure the safety and protection of children. Hajj is quite a demanding task and taking along young children might be even tougher for the parents. That’s why authorities try to restrict the children’s Hajj. However, people prefer to perform Hajj collectively with their families. Hence, children also become part of this Hajj Group. Despite all that, practically, hundreds and thousands of children of different age groups, including infants, travel to Mecca each year to perform Hajj with their parents and guardians.
You can learn more about Hajj and Umrah here.

Prepare Young Pilgrims for the Spiritual Journey

Hajj is a rare opportunity that most Muslims would get once in a lifetime. It is a sacred journey to fulfill one of the five pillars of Islam. Being a spiritual and sacred journey, the pilgrim needs to devote maximum of his time in worship, while at Mecca or Medina. But when it is performed in a family group, with young children, the things would be a bit different. You will also have to look after your kids. Hence, the children must undergo a phase of physical, mental, and spiritual preparedness, provided they are old enough to understand the requirements of Hajj. Preparation would be quite different for the infants or very young children, which belongs to the parents rather than the children.
So, the preparation of Hajj traveling for children can be divided into two categories: infants or very young children and grown-up children.

You can learn more about Hajj and Umrah here.

Hajj Preparation for Grownup Children

Children of age between 5 to 12 years may fall under this category. In this age group, children can learn and understand things easily. It is also this age group when children should start learning and practicing religious obligations, such as Prayers. Preparation for Hajj for these children can be summarized as under:

  • They decide that a sacred journey to Mecca is ahead of them.
  • Make them understand what Hajj means and what its religious importance is.
  • Educate them about the rituals to be performed during Hajj.
  • Educate them about different events of Hajj, starting with wearing Ihram, followed by other rituals such as Sai (from Safa to Marwa and back), and specifically the waqf-e-Arafat.
  • Make them learn and memorize (if possible) the various duas and supplications that must be recited during the Hajj.
  • It might be difficult for some children to learn everything about Hajj, but the parents should keep teaching them so that they can perform the maximum of the Hajj Rituals with a clear understanding of what they are doing.
  • Prepare them for the journey to Mecca and commute to different religious sites in Saudi Arabia. This is more about their physical preparation. Build up their energy to sustain this extensive journey. Take care of their food so they may face the hardship of traveling.
  • Take care of their health well before the start of the journey. Consult the physician if the child has any health issues.

Preparation of Hajj – Very Young Infants

Children under 5 years of age, including infants, are not supposed to understand and perform various rituals of Hajj on their own. Hence, the preparation for Hajj for this category of children is rather more relevant to the parents. Here are some useful tips for the parents of children in this age group:

  • Collect the clothes and food items for your young child in sufficient quantities. You might not be able to find these things once the Hajj days start in Mecca.
  • Keep in mind that you will have to carry your child throughout Hajj. A child of 4 to 5 years of age might be able to walk himself some part of the Hajj rituals, but most of the time you will have to carry along your child falling in this age group. Having a stroller for children of less than 5 years of age should be a good idea. It will help you a lot during the Hajj.
  • It is also your responsibility to make them wear Ihram. Bath them and clean their body.
  • Since children of this age group cannot perform religious acts, their parents are required to make an intention (Niyyah) on their behalf and recite talbiya as well.
  • Parents will perform Every Hajj step while accompanying their young kids.
  • If the child is not with them at the time of tawaf and sai, the parent will have to perform tawaf and sai on behalf of his child.
  • If the child is accompanying his parents while performing tawaf and sai, there is no need to repeat it separately for the child.

General Guidelines for Parents of a Child Pilgrim

Children’s requirements are quite different from those of adults. Their parents are responsible for everything they might need during the Hajj travel. Here are some things you may have to consider for your child:

  1. Discuss the Hajj package with the Hajj Organizer and ask about the facilities they offer for children. Make sure the package includes most of a child’s requirements.
  2. Arrange Ihram and other lightweight cotton garments. A cotton dress would be ideal for Mecca, where the weather is often very hot.
  3. An umbrella or sunscreen must be in your travel bag to protect your children from scorching sunlight.
  4. Keep enough stock of drinking water, especially for the young kids, as they need to get hydrated more often.
  5. Before traveling for Hajj, consult your physician and get your child immunized from meningitis, polio, yellow fever, and any other diseases specifically made compulsory by the Hajj and Health Ministries of Saudi Arabia.
  6. Night at Muzdalifa often goes quite cold. Keep warm clothing and blankets for your children to protect them.
  7. Children often get tired and annoyed during long journeys. Make arrangements to keep them busy during long trips. Ideally, keep them busy in learning and reciting various duas.


  • Hajj is an important religious duty for those who can physically and financially afford it. Keeping your children on this pilgrimage is a good idea, especially when traveling with the whole family. Although Governments of different countries might have imposed restrictions on the Hajj of children below a certain age group, Islam is very clear about it. There is no restriction on taking children with you for Hajj, as is evident from various Hadiths.
  • However, your responsibilities might be tougher if you have kids while traveling for Hajj. You must care for your children in many ways, including their food, clothing, and traveling. Moreover, in the case of very young children, you also have to perform various rituals on their behalf. That’s why the rewards of the Hajj of a child also go to his parent, as narrated in a Hadith, quoted above. The child would also get the reward of this childhood Hajj, though it does not count towards fulfilling the religious obligation of performing Hajj. Per the Islamic teachings, he will have to do it in his adult age, if otherwise capable of doing it.

Author Bio:

Rafia is a certified Quran scholar and Islamic content writer based in Pakistan. She is passionate about educating and inspiring others through her writing, promoting a deeper understanding of Islamic principles. She occasionally writes articles for Home – Muslim and Quran

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