Supplication for Parents


Parent’s love for their children is pure, unconditional, and forgiving. It is impossible to reciprocate it fully. But we can ask for blessings of Almighty Allah upon them. Invocation for parents is necessary for their life as well as after death. Therefore their good deeds will not end with their death. But it will multiply along with each good deeds of children. Invocations from children are a continuous charity for them. It is also their right. Thus always keep praying for lovely parents.

In Quran Allah also says:

Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good.

Surah An-Nisa verse 36

Invocation for parents

Invocation for parents 1


Surah Al Israh verse 24, Al Quran .


Rabbi-r- hamhuma kama rabbaya ni sagheera.


My Lord! Have mercy on both of them(parents) as they did care for me when I was young.

invocation for parent’s Forgiveness

supplication for parents

Invocation for parents 2


Surah Al Ibrahim verse 41.


Rabbanagfir li wa li walidayyah wa lil mu’mineena yauma yaqu_mul hisaab.


Our sustainer! Forgive me and my parents and believers on the day of account establishing.

Invocation for Thanks for Blessing over Parents

dua for parents

Invocation for parents 3


Surah Al Naml verse 19.


Rab bi auzihni un ashkura nihmatak-al- lati anahmta alayya wa alaa waalidaiy ya wa un ahmala sa_lihan tardaahu wa adkhilni birahmatika fi ibaadi kas saalihin.


My Lord, bestow over me the power that I may be thankful for Your favour, which You have favoured my parents and me. And I may do good deeds that shall please You, and include me in Your righteous slaves.

Benefits of Invocations for Parents

  • It is Allah’s order so he’ll ask for it.
  • Also, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Sunnah.
  • In this way, children can honour their parents as well as pay gratitude.
  • It will increase the parent’s good deeds, also after their death.
  • They groom up kids with hardships; therefore, they deserve more.

O Almighty Allah, you have given us the order to respect our father and mother. Hear our prayers for our parents, as You are Listener of all prayers. Grant them a long life and hold them in body and spirit. Also, bless them comfortable and blessed life; Besides, keep them in your care. Bless them kindly for their loving treatment of me. Moreover, forgive all there major and minor sins that are dead. Also, Accept all their good deeds. Ameen.